ReNEW Video Survellience Policy — ReNEW Schools

Video Surveillance Policy


This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures related to the use of video surveillance within ReNEW Schools for the purpose of enhancing safety, security, and monitoring activities occurring on school premises.


This policy applies to all areas of the school property and facilities where video surveillance cameras are installed. Video footage may be recorded in various locations, including but not limited to classrooms, hallways, common areas, entrances, and exits.

Video Surveillance Operation

ReNEW Schools (ReNEW) employs video surveillance systems to monitor and record activities throughout the day. The primary purpose of these cameras is to enhance the security and safety of our students, staff, and visitors.

Cameras are not used in restrooms or any other areas where an individual may have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Access to Video Footage

Parents and/or legal guardians of enrolled students have the right to request access to video footage. Such requests must be made to school administration and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Only authorized school personnel, such as the principal or designated administrator, may grant access to video footage.

Access will be provided during school hours, and a school representative will be present while the footage is reviewed.

No copies of the footage will be made, and the parent/guardian will not be provided with any copies.

Release of Video Footage to Law Enforcement and Subpoena

In the event of criminal activity, misconduct, or emergencies, ReNEW may release video footage to law enforcement agencies when necessary to assist with investigations.

Any such release of video footage will be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations governing student privacy and the school's internal policies.

Video Retention 

Video footage will be retained for a period of time of at least two weeks unless required for an ongoing investigation, in which case retention may be extended.

Once the retention period expires, the video footage will be automatically overwritten or deleted unless there is a specific reason to preserve it.


All staff, students, and visitors are expected to comply with this policy. Any unauthorized attempts to access or tamper with the video surveillance system will result in disciplinary action or legal consequences, as applicable.


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

ReNEW Schools is committed to maintaining the security and safety of our school environment while respecting the privacy rights of students and staff. This policy is designed to strike a balance between these objectives. For any questions or requests related to video footage, please contact the school administration. This policy does not supercede L.A. R .S. 17:1948.